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Pharma-Bio 2Q14 Update: $9 Billion in Project Starts Reflects 91% Gain in Industry Capital Investment

Pharma-Bio 2Q14 Update: $9 Billion in Project Starts Reflects 91% Gain in Industry Capital Investment

Attachment: Pharma-Biotech 2Q14

SUGAR LAND--April 17, 2014--Reported by Annette Kreuger, Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--When June 2014 draws to a close, the Pharmaceutical-Biotech Industry is forecast to have launched nearly $9 billion worth of North American capital and maintenance projects during the previous three months. The stunning number reflects a 91% increase over last year's figures.

Other companies featured: Emergent Biosolutions (NYSE:EBS), Endo Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ENDP)