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Babcock & Wilcox Sees Demand Drop for Retrofits, but Eyes Growth in Renewables

Babcock & Wilcox Sees Demand Drop for Retrofits, but Eyes Growth in Renewables

SUGAR LAND--May 11, 2017--Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises Incorporated (NYSE:BW) (B&W) (Charlotte, North Carolina) is expecting stronger business over the next year, despite recent dips in volumes and profits in its major segments. B&W executives point to consistent growth in the renewable and industrial businesses, including potential major acquisitions in 2018. Industrial Info is tracking $5.17 billion in active projects involving B&W, including major retrofits at coal-fired power plants and a string of waste-to-energy facilities.

Within this article: Details on some of the highest-valued active projects involving B&W, including environmental retrofits and industrial projects in the U.S., and major renewable facilities in Europe.

Other companies featured: United Parcel Service Incorporated (NYSE:UPS)

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