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Ethanol Producers Expand Capacity Across U.S. Midwest

Ethanol Producers Expand Capacity Across U.S. Midwest

August 25, 2022--Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--At the start of 2022, U.S. biofuel plant production capacity totaled 21 billion gallons per year, more than 80% of which was for fuel ethanol, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Just three states--Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois--account for half of the total U.S. ethanol production; with nine of the other states in the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, they account for 12 of the top 13 ethanol-producing states nationwide.

Industrial Info is tracking about $3.6 billion worth of active ethanol-related projects across the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, nearly half of which are found in Iowa. A single company accounts for nearly 20% of the total investments, and nearly 40% of the total investments within Iowa.

Companies featured: Cargill Incorporated, Helm AG, VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG and Chief Industries Incorporated.

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