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Siemens Unveils Ambitious Plan to Add 14.4 GW of Thermal Capacity in Iraq

Siemens Unveils Ambitious Plan to Add 14.4 GW of Thermal Capacity in Iraq

NEW DELHI--April 19, 2024--Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--Siemens AG (Munich, Germany) has proposed a plan to establish three mega power-generation facilities in Iraq, each boasting a capacity of 4.8 gigawatts (GW), amounting to 14.4 GW of capacity. This initiative is a key component of Iraq's strategic vision to achieve a substantial transformation towards self-sufficiency in the next three to five years by addressing the current deficit in its electricity sector.

Industrial Info is tracking more than US$39.30 billion worth of active fossil fuel-fired thermal-power projects in Iraq.