A Trusted Data Source for Supply & Demand Side Intelligence

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IIR Energy's Natural Gas market intelligence provides accurate, reliable and timely fundamental data for global markets to NYMEX traders, basis traders and analysts. Key comprehensive coverage of market details and drivers ensures participants have the most complete market understanding available.

In today's uncertain world of abundant natural gas supply and market volatility, IIR Energy helps ease your daily routine by synthesizing, distilling and contextualizing the endless market data fundamentals.

This data is then combined with IIR Energy's unique direct-research methodology, to give unique, hard-to-find, views of the natural gas industry that are easy to manage and interpret. Being able to engage in better, clearer and faster decision-making using quality intelligence allows users to monetize their positions in the market with confidence.

IIR Energy utilizes empirical data to connect all the disparate dots to paint the complete picture of the natural gas market - Upstream, Midstream, Downstream and Industrial end users.

Historic, current, and future views support all fundamental analytics for cash and term positions.

Using IIR's Energy Live platform, users can access high-level summaries of natural gas flows, production, supply and demand, down to the individual plant, station and terminal.

IIR Energy brings together comprehensive real-time information on:

  • Pipeline Flows
  • Production
  • Processing
  • Transmission
  • Storage
  • Power Burn
  • Industrial Demand

Natural Gas Interactive Heat Map

Data last updated: 02/16/2024
Operational Plant
Map By:
(Select a region of the map for details)
Gas Capacity
($ Bil)

Natural Gas Sectors Include

Natural Gas Transmission

All major pipelines and compressor stations engaged in transporting natural gas from production to storage.

Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Transmission

All major pipelines and pump stations engaged in transporting NGLs from production to storage.

Other Product Pipelines

Pipelines carrying condensate, diluent, carbon dioxide and other specialty products.

A cutting-edge data aggregation service uses a highly functional user interface already familiar to analysts to allow them a simple, speedy way to evaluate tremendous amounts of relevant data.

Key Attributes:

  • U.S. EBB Pipeline daily nominations
  • Geospatial reference intelligence
  • Crude feed slates
  • Trade region segments and physical address details
  • Product Yield Equations - Loss Gas & Loss Distillate
  • Design capacity and de-rated capacity levels
  • Plant configurations and product specifications
  • Updated plant and unit statuses
  • Primary and secondary processing

NatGas Live allows users to remain informed on all current, future and unpredicted market events such as:

  • Supply/demand impact on pricing
  • Potential bottlenecks
  • New processing plant startups by shale play
  • North American flows
  • Midstream construction, startup dates, new pipes and wells
  • Pipeline reversal
  • Storage expansion
  • NGL production
  • NGL stream
  • Ethylene production
  • Coal-to-gas switching
  • Nuclear, coal and gas-fired power plant outages
  • Power generation new build
  • Renewable power generation fleet
  • U.S. coal exports
  • LNG facility export/import status

We combine IIR Energy's data with the vast North American gas meter data to provide actionable intelligence and key market insights. Our information is supported by a "bottom-up" approach to data analysis that provides you the latest energy market trends and developments.

Key Attributes:

  • Alerts
  • Reports
  • Hotline
  • Web access
  • Wall maps
  • Excel plugin
  • Instant messenger
  • Live research staff
  • Alliance & third-party views
  • FTP push
  • Daily news
  • Weekly recap
  • Market outlooks
Reports & Analytics Group
Report Name Freq. Time Release/Updated Email FTP
60 -day power outage report by regions daily --
Description: Use our 60-day power outage reports for each NERC region to show an overall view of each region’s current to future outage schedule.
HDD/CDD Reports daily 5:00 AM
Description: Using Thomson Reuters/Weather Insight’s unique weather intelligence, IIR Energy has created custom HDD & CDD reports for each U.S. NERC Region. These reports identify power outages over the next 8 days in conjunction with relevant HDD or CDD data for the same time frame. These reports are updated daily and are unique to the user’s specific subscription coverage.
Outage Implied Replacement Gas Tool quarterly --
Description: This custom tool provides a unique opportunity to customize our current Gas Replacement report with flexible threshold variables and automated output functions. This tool can be updated through custom outage saved searches provided by IIR Energy.
Outage-Implied Gas Replacement Report daily 7:00 AM
Description: Power plant outages for the current and surrounding months are translated into the implied gas demand needed to fully replace the energy that could have been generated by those units. The daily implied gas demand is charted and distinction is made between those that are planned versus unplanned.
U.S. Nuclear Outages daily 7:00 AM
Description: A market summary of Nuclear Capacity changes. This report compares IIR Energy Nuclear outages to the NRC data to show a forecasted vs. actual nuclear capacity analysis. This report is updated daily.
Fractionator Outage Report daily 7:30 AM
Description: Tracks the operational status of fractionation units to show all outages starting and finishing within a 30-, 60- & 90-day time frame. This report can be updated daily and weekly.
Gas Processing CapEx Projects daily 7:30 AM
Description: Tracks capital project activity around Gas Processing Plants to provide a market view of capacity enhancements over the next 30, 60 & 90 days. This report is updated weekly.
Gas Processing Plant Outages daily 7:30 AM
Description: Tracks the operational status of Gas Processing Plants to show all outages starting and finishing within a 30-, 60- & 90-day time frame. This report is updated weekly.
Global LNG Train Outages daily 7:30 AM
Description: Tracks the operational status of LNG Trains to show all outages starting and finishing within a 30-, 60- & 90-day time frame. This report is updated weekly.
Production Capacity Projects daily 7:30 AM
Description: Tracks all major capital investment within IIR Energy's Oil & Gas Production industry, which includes any fractionator or LNG facilities completing projects in the next 30, 60 or 90 days. This report is updated weekly.

Research Hotline

Need up-to-date details on breaking energy news? Ever wonder if that nuclear unit will be running tomorrow? Require first-hand knowledge close to the source? Hit us up on the IIR Energy hotline for accurate, fast, live interaction with our frontline research staff to uncover the breaking news and current details on supply disruption events, covering all unplanned & forced outages from weather events, mechanical failures, catastrophes and all other circumstances.

For more information, email or call us at:

Telephone: +1 713 980 1779

Email: iirteam@iirenergy.com