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Knowledge Base Videos

IIR Energy and Refinitiv have collaborated to create a powerful combination of detailed operational knowledge and accurate, trusted data: IIR's PetroCast Live data, available on the Refinitiv platform, delivers comprehensive, real-time data on global refining operations, enabling users to more accurately predict the price of crude and refined products and make better, more informed decisions.

In this video series, IIR Energy's Hillary Stevenson and Refinitiv's Jim Mitchell share unique views on the energy market.

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Alternative Fuels

Refinery adaptation and technology advancements lead the Energy Transition.
Published July 28, 2023

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ESG Regulations: Unforeseen Consequences

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Published July 21, 2023

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Oil Demand Drivers, Refinery Impacts & Projections

The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Published July 14, 2023

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OPEC Supply Cuts Impacting Crude Flows & Product Flows

What supply changes mean for global commodity flows and Russian refining operations.
Published June 30, 2023