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IIR Energy Weekly DOE Stats Assessment

The IIR Energy Weekly DOE Stats Assessment gives valuable insight into the refinery utilization data that is reported by the Department of Energy (DOE). This report gives the reader a clear indication of how IIR Energy refinery turnaround data relates to the numbers provided by the DOE.

This consolidated view of IIR Energy turnaround data enables traders and analysts to better understand changes in historical refinery utilization, and make more accurate forecasts of future refinery activity.

The report also includes a table of turnarounds listed by PADD, refinery and refining unit to help the reader understand crude and refined product price changes in specific physical markets.

The IIR Energy Weekly DOE Stats Assessment is published every week following the DOE stats release.

Weekly Ethylene Outlook

Each week IIR Energy's research teams summarize and publish an ethylene outlook report for each global region, providing timely insight market drivers and key market updates driving this very volatile industry. These reports include editorial comments on planned, unplanned and ongoing maintenance events, capacity startups and closures plus much more. This report includes charts and graphs for maintenance event moving averages, daily and weekly offline capacity summaries, a complete listing of all future maintenance events by global region, and new capacity forecasts based on active projects.

This report is available for the following world regions:

  • USA & Canada
  • Latin America
  • South Asia & Middle East
  • Europe & Russia
  • East Asia (China, Japan & Korea)

Platform Attributes:

  • Turnaround coverage on 326 ethylene units at 256 plants
  • More than 2,200 historical, current and future turnarounds
  • More than 1,200 plant and unit contacts
  • Start and end dates (duration) for each turnaround
  • Platform updates are provided dynamically as changes are identified, including important new developments and schedule changes
  • IntraDay Turnaround Alerts are sent immediately via email to ensure timely delivery of schedule changes or unplanned turnaround activity
  • Analyze future and historic maintenance turnaround schedules
  • New-Build capacity and technology details for over 200 planned unit additions