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IIR EnergyLive

EnergyLive is our new universal dashboard for quick access to reports, databases, widgets, news and more. Click an image below to see a larger for of some of our dashboard widgets.

EnergyLive: Power
EnergyLive: Refining
EnergyLive: PetChem

Combining IIR Energy's accurate, real-time comprehensive research with the latest web-based technology improves each user experience and eases your daily workflow.

In our ongoing efforts to continually provide our clients with the best possible user experience, we have recently launched EnergyLive. The dashboard can accommodate multiple energy sectors in one online solution.

In one interface, IIR Energy users can locate content that spans more than one energy or industrial market. The Power, Gas, LNG and Renewables sectors have been in the blend cycle for years along with the liquid side, including Crude Oil, Oil Products, NGLs and Petrochemicals. It is critical now to have a tool that accommodates the inclusion and diversity of today's market.

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