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IIR Energy Industry Heatmaps

View our interactive heatmaps, showing hotspots for CapEx TIV, Plant Counts, Capacity (GW), and Outage Counts on each industry we cover. Information found on these maps are a static view updated on a quarterly basis. To get the most up-to-date data with greater granularity, contact us at +1 713 980 1779 or iirteam@iirenergy.com.

Power Heatmap
Power COVID-19 News
Petroleum Refining Heatmap
Petroleum Refining COVID-19 News
Natural Gas Heatmap
Natural Gas COVID-19 News
Natural Gas Liquids Heatmap
Natural Gas Liquids COVID-19 News
Petrochemical Heatmap
Petrochemical COVID-19 News