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U.S. Natural Gas-Fired Plants Prep for 150+ Maintenance Projects as Prices Spike

U.S. Natural Gas-Fired Plants Prep for 150+ Maintenance Projects as Prices Spike

SUGAR LAND--September 2, 2021--Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--Often called a "bridge" fuel between once-dominant, now-declining coal and ascendant renewable generation, natural gas actually benefits from the trends driving the former down and the latter up: U.S. natural gas consumption has skyrocketed as it replaces closing coal-fired power plants and serves as a backup for new renewable capacity. But natural gas production in the U.S. is struggling to keep up with demand, sending commodity prices to multi-year highs and underscoring the need for gas-fired power generators to keep their existing equipment in the best possible shape. Industrial Info is tracking more than 150 maintenance-related projects at U.S. gas-fired power plants set to begin before the end of the year.

Within this article: Details on some of the many maintenance-related projects at U.S. gas-fired power plants set to begin before the end of 2021, including those from key companies such as Calpine Corporation, TexGen LLC, Panda Power Funds, LS Power Group, Caithness Energy LLC and Invenergy LLC.

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