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AEP Inks Deal to Bolster T&D Developments in Ohio, Indiana

AEP Inks Deal to Bolster T&D Developments in Ohio, Indiana

January 15, 2025--Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--With Ohio and Indiana "experiencing growth that has not been seen for decades," utility American Electric Power Company Incorporated (NASDAQ:AEP) (AEP) (Columbus, Ohio) recently agreed to sell a 19.9% equity interest in two of its transmission and distribution (T&D) subsidiaries, AEP Ohio and Indiana & Michigan Power, to investment firm KKR & Company Incorporated (NYSE:KKR) (New York, New York) and Canada's Public Sector Pension Investment Board. Both subsidiaries are regulated utilities that build, own and operate T&D infrastructure.

Industrial Info is tracking more than $3.1 billion worth of active and planned T&D projects from AEP Ohio and Indiana Michigan Power. Ohio accounts for the most active and planned AEP investments of the three affected states, while Indiana Michigan Power has a series of projects under construction across northern Indiana.

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