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No Placebo Effect Needed as Life Science Sector Wraps Up $5.6 Billion in Project Investments in Fourth-Quarter 2016

No Placebo Effect Needed as Life Science Sector Wraps Up $5.6 Billion in Project Investments in Fourth-Quarter 2016

SUGAR LAND--October 7, 2016--Reported by Annette Kreuger, Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--There is nothing simulated or subconscious about the financial benefit derived from the $5.6 billion that the life science industry invested in 351 North American projects. These figures represent actual capital and maintenance (MRO) projects that made it off the drawing board, through the boardroom and into construction, all with projected completion dates during the fourth quarter of 2016.

Companies featured: Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), Jacobs Engineering Group (NYSE:JEC)

Within this article: Details of fourth-quarter life science project completions in North America

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