North American Insulation Market Forecasts

Forecasts by Country, Region, State/Province

NEW! Insulation Market Forecast by Country

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U.S.A. and Canada

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NEW! Insulation Market Forecast by Market Region

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Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, Midwest, New England, Northeast, Rocky Mountain, Southeast, Southwest, West Coast, Atlantic Canada, Ontario, Quebec, & Western Canada

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NEW! Insulation Market Forecast by State / Province

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U.S.A. and Canada down to the state and province level.

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North American Insulation Forecast

IIR's Mechanical Insulation market forecast is a spending analysis of the industrial market and the investment made by 40,000 plants across the United States and Canada. This forecast provides subscribers a dynamic market forecast using project spending intelligence identified at the plant level to model Mechanical Insulation material spending for within 12 industrial markets.

Types of Mechanical Insulation included in this forecast:

Material of Products: Cellular (Pipe, Foam), Fibrous (Pipe, Blanket, Board), Granular (Pipe, Block), Cellular Glass, Elastomeric, Fiberglass, Mineral Wool, Polyethylene, Polyisocyanurate, Polystyrene

  • Pipe & Tubing Insulation (application for pipe 3/8" to 14" diameter tube and pipe; insulation ½" to 5" thickness)
  • Insulating Fitting Covers and Jacketing, molded halves, mitered segments, cement and wrappings
  • Fabricated Board for pipe and tank insulation, heated pipe, ducts and equipment such as turbine housings, industrial AC/Heating equipment, and process equipment.
  • Duct Wrap "Wrap-around" and "Pre-formed Duct" utilized for heat barriers and acoustical control, rectangular, round and oval ducts

The insulation forecast is also cross-modeled with IIR’s labor demand forecasting for insulators. Cost breakouts can be established for labor vs. material cost.

The North American Insulation Forecast consists of 11 years of spending statistics ranging from 2009 to 2014 (historical spending) to 2015 through 2019 (forecast spending), which is further defined in 12 industries.

Industries Covered
  • Electric Power
  • Bulk Liquids Storage Terminals
  • Oil & Gas Transmission
  • Oil & Gas Production
  • Alternative Fuels
  • Petroleum Refining
  • Chemical Processing
  • Metals & Minerals
  • Pulp, Paper & Wood
  • Food & Beverage
  • Industrial Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical & Biotech

The forecast is available by country, region, state, county or zip code level and includes a breakout of investment for capital and maintenance spending.

For firms that are looking to estimate the market for Insulation investments, our statistics can help you better understand the annual spending that is derived from comprehensive market intelligence gathering.

IIR provides a unique "bottom up" forecast for industrial plant spending that estimates capital and maintenance budgets across 12 industry segments. Our industrial market forecast products are derived from actual project information surveyed by our industry experts. Our forecast model uses ground-level detail captured in our project spending intellignce platform and summarizes it up to the 30,000-foot view. Our modeling captures total spending for the market, using historical and future projects information, including statistical modeling of leading economic indicators.

Delivery is made through IIR's Online Forecast Analyzer, which is an online environment that allows you to query data, export statistics and download graphs dynamically generated from your query results.

Quarterly Updating
Throughout the year, Industrial Info will deliver quarterly updates that include adjustments to current forecast data primarily driven by activity in Industrial Info's project platform and the performance of leading economic indicators.