Hitachi Optimistic on U.K. Nuclear Plans after EDF's Project Approval

Hitachi Optimistic on U.K. Nuclear Plans after EDF

SUGAR LAND--September 19, 2016--Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)--Costs to build renewable energy sources have declined over the past few years in the U.K., which has spurred interest in the development of offshore windfarms and solar power facilities. But Hitachi Limited is pressing on with its proposal to build four to five nuclear reactors in the U.K., encouraged in part by the U.K. government's recent approval of Electricite de France S.A.'s (EDF) plan to build two reactors in southwest England. Industrial Info is tracking more than $94 billion in active nuclear projects in the U.K.

Within this article: Details on the nuclear power plants proposed for the U.K. by Hatachi and EDF.

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