Global Production Coverage

Industrial Info provides timely market intelligence for the Oil & Gas Production Industry which is continually verified and updated. Information provided includes onshore and offshore facilities located in the field, as well as both oil and gas processing plants such as NGL recovery, fractionation plants and LNG liquefaction facilities.
Production Database Platform Elements
  • Attributes

    Capital & Maintenance Projects

    • Active Projects 12,094
    • Total Active Project Spend $1.42 Trillion
    • Third-Party Contractor Awards 7,376
    • Active Project Contacts 45,301

    Plants LTSAs

    • LTSA Agreements Globally 4,664
    • Maintenance LTSAs 1,967
    • Capital Project LTSAs 1,264
    • Preferred Contractors 689


    • Commissioned Plants 12,139
    • Functional Plant Management Contacts 53,354
    • Pre-Commissioned Plants 1,864
    • Key Account Profiles 3,153

    Unit & Equipment Assets

    • Commissioned Process Units 41,899
    • Pre-Commissioned Process Units 2,780
    • Commissioned Equipment 39,484
    • Pre-Commissioned Equipment 1,565

    Unit Maintenance Events

    • Future Unit Maintenance Events 3,858
  • Platform Solutions
    Platform Solutions

    Industrial Info offers intelligent and easy-to-use web-based tools to access our market intelligence data.

    • PECWeb Dashboard - Utilize search queries, saved searches, email alerts and interactive widgets to track the best available information on plants, projects and units.
    • PECWeb My Data - Track and get updates on your targeted opportunities using IIR's CRM-like features.
    • Key Account Locator (KAL) - Geospatially search for and identify key assets by Owner or Parent Company.
    • Geolocator - Create density heat maps, radius searches and visualize opportunities in a geospatial environment.
    • Disaster Impact Tracker - Monitor natural disaster events around the globe and their impact on industrial plants and units.
    • Market Analytics Dashboard - Using IIR project spending factors, track and understand the market at a 30,000 foot view and drill down to the 1 foot project detail.

  • Capital & Maintenance Projects
    Capital & Maintenance Projects

    Our team of industry experts diligently tracks and monitors capital and maintenance projects globally to provide a comprehensive picture of where investments, large and small, are planned, ongoing and proposed.

    Each of the projects identified and reported by Industrial Info includes key elements to help our clients monitor and pursue the project. These details include at a minimum:

    • Total Investment Value (TIV)
    • Project Owner Contacts
    • Project Location Mapping
    • Contractor & Vendor Contacts
    • Project Scope
    • Technology & Equipment Requirements
    • Project Capacity
    • Environmental Requirements
    • Project Schedule Milestones, including Approval & Bidding Dates
    • Construction Kick-off
    • Project Completion

  • Unit Maintenance Events
    Unit Maintenance Events

    Industrial Info's team of industry researchers actively monitor planned, unplanned, ongoing and future maintenance events for pump and compressor stations down to the individual pump or compressor package.

    Each maintenance event is tracked with precise details of when the unit will come offline, the cause of the downtime if unplanned and when the unit will restart normal operations. Alerts via email and subscriber tools are available for each event, providing our clients with up-to-date progress of the maintenance event, including schedule changes or other details. These are delivered for each event as changes are verified and confirmed.

  • Long-Term Service Agreements
    Long-Term Service Agreements

    Industrial Info identifies contractors with agreements for engineering and maintenance services at pipeline assets including pump and compressor stations globally. Each Long-Term Service Agreement (LTSA) profile provides:

    • Agreement Type (Capital, Maintenance or Preferred Contractor)
    • Contracted Length of Agreement
    • Key Contact Responsible for Managing the Relationship
    • Expiration Date of the LTSA

  • Process Units
    Process Units

    Industrial Info provides operational, pre-commissioned and decommissioned unit profiles. The profile includes startup/stop dates, actual and designed capacity, and more. Also provided is plant and project information associated with the unit, including key contacts, project scope and schedule, and can be segmented by the type of process unit as per the examples below.

    • NGL Recovery - Cryogenic
    • NGL Recovery - Mechanical Refrigeration
    • NGL Recovery - Joule Thompson (J-T)
    • NGL Recovery - Lean Oil Adsorption
    • NGL Fractionation
    • Condensate Stabilizer
    • Condensate Splitter
    • Sulfur Recovery (SRU)
    • Amine Treatment
    • Glycol Dehydration
    • Desiccant Dehydration
    • Helium Liquefaction
    • Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)
    • Ethane Liquefaction
    • Gas-to-Liquids (GTL)
    • LNG Liquefaction
    • LNG Micro
    • LNG Peak Shaver
    • Nitrogen Rejection Unit (NRU)
    • Offshore Separation
    • Oil Sands Production
    • Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH)

  • Pump, Compressor & Packages
    Pump, Compressor & Packages

    Industrial Info's equipment database provides information on operational, pre-commissioned & decommissioned units, including compressor, pump and power generation drives.

    Equipment criteria includes:

    • Drive Types (Gas Turbine, Electric Motor, Internal Combustion Engine)
    • Drive Manufacturer
    • Drive Capacity (Megawatts or Horsepower)
    • Driven Equipment Type (Compressor, Pump, Generator)
    • Driven Equipment Manufacturer
    • Driven Equipment Information (Manufacturer, Model Type)
    • Fuel/Energy Source Type (Primary/Secondary)
    • Startup/Shutdown Dates

  • Plants

    Industrial Info is tracking production and processing facilities globally, providing the operational status, products transported and functional management contacts for each location.

    Every plant profile includes:

    • Plant Owner & Parent Company Information
    • Functional Management Contacts with Email & Phone
    • Satellite Imagery & Mapping
    • Personnel Count
    • Operational Labor Preference
    • Physical & Mailing Addresses
    • Plant Startup & Closure Date
    • Products and Production/Processing Capacities

Segments We Cover

Onshore and Offshore Gathering System

Companies engaged in collection of crude or natural gas from the wellhead and transported to Processing Plants via pipelines. Gathering fields may involve some form of processing prior to distribution.

Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Processing

Companies involved in processing crude petroleum or natural gas delivered from the field.

LNG Liquefaction & Export Facilities

Operators of plants designed to liquefy and export liquefied natural gas.

Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Facilities

Operators of facilities that transform natural gas into liquid fuels including gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

Platform Solutions

Intelligent, easy-to-use tools for accessing, delivering and making the best use of our dynamically updated industrial intelligence.

Geospatial Solutions PECWeb Dashboard Market Analytics Dashboard Infographic Brochure


Industrial Info's Oil & Gas Analytics Products help supplement our online platform and give our clients a long-term view of where spending is expected to be and its major trends or drivers.

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Insight and perspectives on the Oil & Gas market provided by industry veterans.

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