Russia & Ukraine Conflict - Impact Updates

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Daily Russia & Ukraine Conflict Updates

Industrial Info's global research teams are committed to confirming and reporting on the ongoing changes related to current market disruptions and how they are impacting project schedules and plant operations. Visit these links daily, as our research teams are constantly releasing updates.

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Daily Russia & Ukraine News

Stay up-to-date with the latest news on the impact that the Russia & Ukraine conflict is having on the Industrial Market.

Capital and Maintenance Projects

This saved search will display projects that have been impacted by the Russia & Ukraine war. The impact could range from delays in construction, project investments being canceled or placed on-hold, to projects outside of the region that are moving forward to supplement lost manufacturing or commodities.

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Plants, Stations & Terminals

This saved search will provide a list of plants whose operations have been temporarily interrupted or completely shut down due to the conflict.

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Offline Units

This saved search will display process units that have been taken offline due to the Russia & Ukraine conflict. The offline event will include the start date and an estimated (potential) restart date for each unit. Details might also include damage that has been verified for some units.

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