Wheat-Rye-Based Fuel Ethanol Set to Emerge in Brazil, an Industrial Info Market Brief

Wheat-Rye-Based Fuel Ethanol Set to Emerge in Brazil, an Industrial Info Market Brief

As the Alternative Fuels Industry continues to diversify in Brazil with the likes of corn-based ethanol projects in Mato Grosso (INPASA, FS Bioenergia and Bioethanol SA), other variants of feedstock also are emerging. Usinas Sociais Inteligentes Destilarias Sustentaveis SA is set to utilize triticale, a second-generation hybrid of wheat and rye, to produce up to 100,000 liters per day fuel ethanol in addition to 46.5 tons per day of distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS) for the animal nutrition industry, electrical energy and carbon dioxide recovery for use in the cosmetics and food and beverage industries. Each grassroot project (six in total) will require a $20 million investment and will be implemented in Rio Grande do Sul, with the first production facility to be operational by 2021.

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